HCP Marketing Questions


HCP Marketing Questions You Should Be Asking

October 11, 2021

Savvy marketers know they need to measure results. When it comes to evaluating success, key performance indicators provide answers, but sometimes brand managers aren’t tying those answers to the fundamental questions they are trying to address. By periodically asking these questions, you can get a better handle on whether your approach, campaigns, and initiatives are focused on achieving both short-term and long-term goals.  

Here are several questions you should ask when evaluating marketing performance broken out by objectives.


Top Questions About Marketing Performance

Brand Awareness Questions
  1. How do HCPs perceive your brand?
  2. Does your marketing feature the strengths of your brand?
  3. Is brand recognition strong within the healthcare professional community?
  4. Does your brand appear trustworthy?
  5. Can HCPs connect your brand with its products easily?


Brand Experience Questions
  1. How do HCPs engage with your brand on their smartphone, desktop, tablet, or in person?
  2. Are your marketing engagement touchpoints clear and frictionless?
  3. Are your campaigns delivered through the channels your HCPs consider their channels of choice?
  4. Is the experience consistent across all channels?
  5. If they need to complete a process that spans multiple devices, is it a smooth transition?


Advertising Questions

  1. Are you advertising where most HCPs you are targeting consume marketing information?
  2. What do they notice, like, and dislike about your ads?
  3. Do your ads meet the needs and expectations of your HCP audience?
  4. Are your ads perceived as spammy?
  5. Which messaging or design elements in your display ads are most appealing to your audience?


Email Marketing Questions
  1. Why are HCPs opening certain emails more than others?
  2. Is your delivery cadence appropriate for busy HCPs?
  3. Which elements of your email template should be changed to gain more engagement?
  4. Are your emails good enough to be shareable?
  5. How do your emails measure up to your competitors’ emails?


Form Optimization Questions
  1. Are your form fields capturing necessary information to improve targeting/messaging?
  2. Are forms easy to complete no matter which device or screen size they choose?
  3. Is there anything about your forms that would make an HCP abandon completion?
  4. Are you providing autofill from previous engagements?
  5. If an HCP makes a mistake filling a form, do you have error messages that are clear so they can easily make corrections?


Organic Search Questions
  1. Is your keyword research addressing HCP needs, search intent, and context within their experience with your brand?
  2. Where do HCPs click when they search for your keywords: organic results to your website or a competitor’s or paid ads?
  3. If an HCP clicks on your result, what are they expecting to find?
  4. Is your search traffic being sent to the best performing pages?


Competitive Analysis Questions
  1. Who does a better job of explaining the product or offering clearly?
  2. Who does a better job of convincing the customer to convert?
  3. Who does a better job at appealing to HCP needs?
  4. What might convince HCPs to switch to your brand?
  5. What might convince your current customers to switch to a competitor?


If you take the time to explore questions like these, you should see improvements in your results. Remember, data tells only a part of the story (but an important one). Understanding the “why” behind the numbers will make you a better marketer.


Within the past few years, the healthcare market has become even more of an evolving landscape. To keep up with market demand, it’s important to stay connected to key marketing trends in the industry. Learn about emerging trends by downloading our Trends in Pharma Marketing Research Report


Article Written by: Alex Brown



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