
Why Medical Advertisers Should Love Expert-Curated Content

July 7, 2017

In today's marketing landscape, the word "curate" gets used frequently - but what does it really mean for advertisers?

When we think of traditional curators, images of learned scholars in dusty metropolitan museums may spring to mind. That's a good place to start, when considering how curators arrange content online.

Just as museum curators choose the best and most relevant works of art to display, content curators determine which articles are put in front of an enthusiastic base of readers.

But where does the curator's authority come from? In the medical community, content curators are respected healthcare professionals that the community holds in high regard. With years of experience and a trained eye for the best medical literature, these curators hand-select articles which uphold the thorough scientific method and readability.

Example: PracticeUpdate

Across the globe, the medical community produces an enormous amount of literature each year. Even putting aside established, peer-reviewed journals, there's still a massive amount of articles that appear online every single day. No one person - let alone one extremely busy physician - can sort through this collection of knowledge and separate the wheat from the chaff.

And yet, to not read medical literature would be tantamount to neglecting the Hippocratic Oath through inaction. In order to "do no harm," physicians must constantly update their medical knowledge with the latest findings and research.

For that information, physicians subscribe to relevant peer-reviewed journals and curated online platforms such as PracticeUpdate.

At PracticeUpdate, several world-renowned editorial and advisory boards guide the content that appears on the site. Each board, which is formed by community practitioners and academic specialists with cross-disciplinary expertise, curates content on a daily basis so the cream rises to the top. Curators append each article with key take-home messages, providing readers with the top-selected research, as well as information on how this new information will impact their practices. 

Physicians can arrive at the site, find valuable content and absorb the information without carving out hours each day for independent research. Plus, physicians who subscribe to email alerts receive regular articles updates and conference coverage right to their inbox.

In this way, patients win because their doctors stay up-to-date on the latest discoveries. Likewise, physicians win because they have access to professionally relevant content at a moment's notice.

Image removed.Physicians rely on a community of experts to curate the best medical literature.

Mitigating risk with tailored display ads

One of the biggest risks in advertising is paying for a space that no one notices. Imagine driving around your city or town, down an unlit street in the early hours of morning. You notice, for a moment, a billboard. But just as you notice it, the ad disappears and you never see it again.

When you buy digital ad space, you don't want your message to end up in a back alley of the internet. Businesses spend lots of money to advertise in Times Square, because they know they'll be seen.

"Ad spend is less risky when you know which sites your readers visit."

For advertisers of pharmaceuticals and medical devices, PracticeUpdate is like Times Square, where physicians and practitioners can engage with content and view ads. Doctors will frequently visit the space because their professional reputations depend on staying informed on medical literature.

Combining creative display ads with expert-curated content is a winning combination because you'll be speaking to your target audience in a professionally relevant forum.

If Times Square is the ideal place to advertise, then all roads leading to the square must also be valuable. In the case of marketing to doctors, that means using a multi-channel approach. In addition to advertising within expert-curated platforms, print and digital versions of peer-reviewed content are equally effective.

To learn more about how your brand or Clients can take advantage of expert-curated and peer-reviewed medical content, contact today!

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