
Is more advertising space for pharma marketers a good thing?

February 5, 2018

More and more publishers are diversifying their content across print publications and digital sites. New health-centric sites have increased the availability of ad space for pharmaceutical marketers - but is it the right move?

What is a health content outlet?

Magazines have always published health care content, either in the form of news or editorial articles. Recently, many publications have developed dedicated health content platforms, creating an entirely separate arena where readers can go for health information and where advertisers can create sponsored content. For example, MM&M reported that Vice Media, Inc. recently launched a new subdomain targeted specifically at reader's interested in medical content. The site often focuses on millennial issues, and is targeted at consumers.

Vice isn't alone in developing standalone health content platforms. Time and Condé Nast have also launched health content sites in recent months. Once again, these are consumer-foused channels. This gives pharma advertisers more space to reach consumers in a competitive marketplace. However, this paradigm partially ignores physicians, who are the gatekeepers of prescription drugs, at the end of the day. Failure to address their needs and concerns could harm sales.

Who reads health content websites?

Typically, these sites target a general readership. While certain articles may be aimed at niche audiences like baby boomers in retirement or millennials in the dating scene, they tend to cast a wide net. That can be a positive factor for companies that want to advertise to as many people as possible. It's a buckshot approach to advertising.

Pharma marketers are certainly attracted to these publications. Citing data from Kantar Media, MM&M reported that pharma marketers increased magazine ad spend by 6.4 percent in 2016. During the same year, readership among health and fitness publications dropped by 0.8 percent, according to the Association of Magazine Media. Though magazines and health content sites - which often feature the same articles - are good channels for direct-to-consumer marketing, they don't reach physicians with the same efficiency.

Image removed.Magazines and content sites attract a general readership.

Are there alternatives for physician readers?

If pharma marketers want to reach a physician audience, they'll need to look for channels that directly appeal to doctors. Unlike a general readership, physicians want primary sources and detailed analyses - which health content sites can't and don't offer. That's why sites like PracticeUpdate exist.

PracticeUpdate is an expert-curated platform used by medical professionals from across the globe. The site contains relevant articles, research, expert opinions and event information pertinent to physicians. Unlike popular magazines or content sites like Vice, PracticeUpdate offers informative pieces for specific medical specialties. Doctors know they can trust the information there, and return to the site frequently for timely updates and discussions.

How does health content compare to peer-reviewed content?

Health content sites like those operated by Time, Inc help keep the general population informed about the latest healthcare topics. They often give broad overviews of subjects and focus on stories that affect personal health or new pieces about current events.

At the other end of the spectrum, peer-reviewed content, such as studies published in medical journals, is targeted at a knowledgeable, skilled audience that can put the information to practical use. A reader of Time wants to be informed, a reader of a scientific journal wants to become a better professional. Pharma marketers can benefit from addressing both audiences, and they shouldn't neglect either. An informed patient population and an engaged physician readership can come together to make informed medical decisions.

Does your 2018 media campaign include medical journals? To learn more about how to leverage your ads in a peer-reviewed publication, visit today.

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