
How to align print, digital and event campaigns for optimal ROI

September 18, 2018

Digital mediums have taken over the world, but that doesn't mean that print has disappeared. In the medical community, 90 percent of physicians read print editions of peer-reviewed journals. Moreover, 68 percent read both print and digital formats.

Organizations that market to physicians and other providers need to ensure that their print, digital and event campaigns align to make the most effective impact. Your readers might be online one day, and come across your brand in print form another day. If those two touch points seem at odds with each other, readers may get confused or worse, form a negative opinion of your brand.

Develop a complementary strategy

Multichannel campaigns become convoluted when each piece of collateral tries to do the same thing. A print ad is different from a billboard, which is different from a TV ad, which is different from a website. Each channel cannot and should not try to relay the whole message. Instead, each piece should complement the others, adding to the story and spreading awareness. Relevant readers will work their way down the funnel, provided there's a funnel for them to follow. Multichannel campaigns make it easier for individuals who want to learn more to delve deeper into the subject.

According to health marketing expert and American Marketing Association contributor Jason Pierret, traditional and digital advertisements can work together by first spreading awareness, then providing a deeper level of information.

Here's an example: A doctor reads a peer-reviewed article about a new type of thoracic surgery procedure. Next to the paper is an advertisement for a new model of heart monitor that claims to be more effective than any other model currently on the market. The ad includes a link to a website where readers can learn more. The important information is first relayed passively - via the print ad - and then actively - via the website.

Image removed.Complementary campaigns allow readers to discover more about your brand at their own pace.

Lead up to events with strong calls to action

In any marketing space, events must be supported by a long tail of collateral. Not only must events be announced months in advance, but they should be advertised frequently leading up to the big day. Print and digital collateral can be used to spread awareness and increase engagement.

When advertising an event to members of the healthcare community, marketers should leverage print ads as well as medical-specific websites. Expert-curated sites such as Practice Update provide valuable content to physicians who may be interested in attending events to speak directly with other professionals and brand representatives.

After the event, marketers can take the content produced by speakers and repurpose it for another format, such as web content or quotes for printed advertisements. Reusing that material can be an effective way to control the marketing budget without sacrificing the quality of the message.

Don't skip social media

Physicians and other providers use social media just as much as individuals who belong to other professions. In fact, a report from CDW revealed that 53 percent of physicians offices have their own Facebook page. Furthermore, 60 percent of surveyed doctors said they believe social media improves the quality of care delivered to patients. In other words, physicians understand the value of easy communication. Social media posts and targeted advertisements can capture leads in this highly valuable space.

Managing a multichannel campaign is resource intensive. To learn more about how to streamline your process and put your message in front of a large audience of relevant medical readers, contact the experts at ELS Media Kits today.

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