Research Arc

Cell - Research Arc

Research Arc is a new product that offers sponsors access to R&D professionals in the biopharma community. A destination for up-to-date peer-reviewed research, Research Arc publishes the latest trends, delivery mechanisms, and policies that impact the future of therapeutics.



  • Publishes print and digital collections focused on emergent topics and techniques from bench to therapeutics
  • 60.8% non-academic audience 
  • Resource for R&D professionals in biotech and pharma
  • E-newsletters 
    • Average monthly subscribers: 13,653
    • Average open rate: 14%



  • Reach a translational audience of biomedical lab techs, pharma execs, policymakers, and physicians 
  • Gain access to well-funded biotech, pharma, and medical companies 



  • Only produced if sponsored

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