Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Orthopedics, Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

Editor in Chief: Leighton Chan, MD, MPH and Allen W. Heinemann, PhD,ABPP
Organizational Affiliations: American Congress of Rehabilitation Medicine (ACRM)

Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation has distinguished itself through its coverage of the specialty of physical medicine and rehabilitation and of the more interdisciplinary field of rehabilitation. It brings readers authoritative information on the therapeutic utilization of physical and pharmaceutical agents in providing comprehensive care for persons with disabilities and chronic illness.
The Archives is the most highly cited journal in Rehabilitation, has the highest Eigenfactor in the category, and has an Impact Factor that has increased annually since 2008.

Additional marketing materials available : APM&R Readership Study and APM&R Readership Rates Binder.

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Circulation updated on 1st July, 2023, based on 12-month monthly average July 2022-June 2023, eTOC Metrics: 12 Month Average of eTOC sends - July 2022 to June 2023, Monthly average web metrics based on the period of July 2022 to June 2023

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