Dentistry, Oral Surgery and Medicine
Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry
The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry, now in its 58th year, continues to provide readers with the most trusted, comprehensive and timely source of information in prosthetic and restorative dentistry including implants, ceramics and esthetic dentistry, and related dental materials for the restoration of teeth. With an increased focus on clinical applicability, the Journal is recognized throughout the world as the leading voice in prosthetic and restorative dentistry for general dentists and specialists. The Journal is proud to be the official publication of U.S. and international prosthodontic organizations.
According to the 2010 Science Citation index, the Journal is the most frequently cited prosthodontic and restorative dentistry journal in the world. The Journal of Prosthetic Dentistry is a "must read" publication for all dentists who emphasize prosthetic and restorative dentistry in their practices, and prosthodontists, periodontists, and oral maxillofacial surgeons - make sure they are seeing your ad.