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Nursing Outlook

Editor in Chief: Sean Clarke, PhD, RN, FAAN
Organizational Affiliations: • The American Academy of Nursing• Council for the Advancement of Science in Nursing

Nursing Outlook reaches the nation's nursing leaders in practice, education, research, management, and policy making. The journal's articles are written by the nursing thought leaders across all disciplines and practice settings and help provide the vision for nursing's future.

Nursing Outlook readers work in hospitals, ambulatory/outpatient clinics, home health care, HMO's, and academic settings. They influence policy at all levels and shape health care practices for the benefit of the public.

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Circulation updated on 1st July, 2023, based on 12-month monthly average July 2022-June 2023, eTOC Metrics: 12 Month Average of eTOC sends - July 2022 to June 2023, Monthly average web metrics based on the period of July 2022 to June 2023

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