
Check out our blogs for news, tips, trends and commentary on all things healthcare, life sciences and pharma marketing.


Medical Media Planning Tips for 2019 [Infographic]

Understanding how and where physicians prefer to consume content is the first step in creating a winning media plan. Check out the infographic below for more tips:

Marketing appeals: Which resonate with HCPs?

Health care providers today are busy. Not only is the medical industry facing a physician shortage, but also a rapid pace of administrative, financial and technological change. Amid their patient encounters and other clinical duties, doctors are expected to stay up to date on new research findings…

Is it time to let bots into your media plan?

We live in an increasingly digital world, and bots are becoming a frequent presence in our lives. In the world of healthcare, bots have the ability to support patient engagement by providing information when it's needed most. What kind of bots are we talking about? A bot, or chatbot, is a program…

Should you add VR to your multichannel marketing strategy?

Virtual reality is more than a new way to play video games. In the world of healthcare, VR represents a powerful tool that can help physicians train for new procedures and visualize diseases in a previously impossible environment. From a marketer's perspective, VR is a channel that can serve unique…

Pharma marketing trends to watch in 2019

In 2019, pharmaceutical marketers are likely to face an unprecedented challenge to reach healthcare providers. Fewer independent practitioners and crowded drug markets will continue to push marketers into new territory. The first step to optimize buyer engagement is identifying pharma marketing and…

How to build a multichannel campaign for a new pharmaceutical product

These days, it's not enough to focus on a single advertising channel. With so many channels vying for the attention of readers, pharmaceutical companies need to take a broader approach to marketing.Together, print ads, digital display ads, email campaigns and events can form an effective strategy…

4 tips for selling to millennial physicians

It's about to be a millennial world. The generation Pew Research defines as people born between 1980 and 1996 is already the largest in the U.S. workforce, and data from MRINetwork indicates that millennials will make up more than 50 percent of the nation's labor pool by 2020.Compared to other…

3 artificial intelligence use cases for pharma marketers

In recent years, artificial intelligence solutions have become increasingly ubiquitous in a number of industries and 2019 is poised to be the year AI creates significant change for pharma marketers.Recently, MM&M reported that healthcare companies plan to spend an average of $32.4 million on AI…

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